1. General
1.1 This website is the property of Recruit Me Limited (Business Reg. No. C20172098).
1.2 All Copyright, trademarks or any other Intellectual Property on this site belongs to Recruit Me Limited. All users agree not to copy, modify, reproduce, distribute or download any part of Jobs.mu.
1.3 These Terms and Conditions supersede all other contracts or agreements. There can be no alteration or variation to these terms and condition unless expressed in writing by a director of Recruit Me Limited.
2. Acceptance
2.1 By using this website, you agree to adhere to these Terms and Conditions. Do not use this website if you do not accept these Terms and Conditions. Recruit Me Limited (the “Company”) reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time.
3. Termination
3.1 The Company reserves the right to edit or delete information input on this website and terminate job hunters registrations with immediate effect at its sole discretion upon any breach of these Terms and Conditions.
4. Responsibilities
4.1 It is your responsibility to ensure all information you provide to us in your CV and in relation to your registration information or otherwise is: True and accurate; is not abusive, offensive, disruptive, defamatory, and obscene or in any other way illegal; and does not breach the rights of any third party.
4.2 When you have registered using the registration procedure, you shall be responsible for updating the information when it becomes out of date or incorrect.
4.3 You shall indemnify the Company in respect of any losses or liabilities which may be incurred by the Company due to the content of any information or material provided to the Company by you.
4.4 You are responsible for your own dealings with recruiters, employers and agencies and are responsible for the consequences.
5. Liabilities
5.1 The Company is not and must not be considered to be an employer. Any employment decisions made through communication via the website shall not be the responsibility of the Company.
5.2 The Company accepts no liability for:
a) Any damage to your software or hardware incurred as a result of using the website, including but not limited to any viruses or cookies
b) Any death or personal injury caused by negligence
c) The availability or inaccuracy of any job posting on the website, or the conduct of any party who places a job posting on the website
d) Any failures in your accessing the Jobs.mu website or any loss or damage which may result from the errors in the operating condition of Jobs.mu website
e) Any loss of information entered into the Jobs.mu website, as it is your responsibility to keep records of all such information.
5.3 The content of the Jobs.mu website may contain inaccuracies. The Company makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the website or the content. Use of the Jobs.mu website and the content matter are at your own risk. The Company reserves the right to make changes to the website at any time.
5.4 The Jobs.mu website contains links to other websites and third party suppliers. The Company takes no responsibility for the content of these websites, the reputability of the organisation concerned or liability for any transactions with such third parties.
5.5 You accept responsibility and liability without limitation for your own personal information, communications and their consequences, any losses which may result from using the website, or inability to use the website.
5.6 Information on this website is supplied in good faith; we are under no obligation to and in general do not directly input the information posted on the website by users of the website. The Company takes no responsibility for the accuracy or nature of information posted on the website. Advertising recruiters have control and sole responsibility for their job advert content on the website.
5.7 The Jobs.mu website is a Job advertising website for recruiters to post job adverts and Job hunters to post career information and their CV. The Company has no involvement between recruiters and job hunters. The Company has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the jobs or CV’s posted the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of recruiters to offer job opportunities to job hunters or the ability of Users to fill the Jobs advertised.
5.8 The Company reserves the right to amend or delete any information input on the website at our absolute discretion.
5.9 You agree to indemnify the Company from and against claims, actions or demands resulting from your use of the website or the contents of the website or your breach of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.
5.10 Job Hunters agree that by registering their details with us as with any advertising job site, there may be a possibility that their existing employer may gain access to their information. The Job Hunter agrees to indemnify Recruit Me Limited against all liability.
6. Intellectual Property
6.1 You hereby undertake to indemnify the Company against any and all liability for any and all copyright infringement or any breach of any other intellectual property right caused by you or your failure to abide by these terms and conditions.
7. Data Protection
7.1 Recruit Me Limited shall endeavour to ensure that it operates within the terms of the Act at all times.
8. Representation
8.1 The Company makes no representation to be and should not be considered to be a collaborator with the user. No element of these terms should be deemed to be evidence of a partnership between said parties or to constitute either of us the agent of the other.
8.2 Failure to adhere or comply with any single element of these terms and conditions or of any rights hereunder by either party shall not release the other from the requirement to fully perform the remaining terms.
9. Governance
9.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with Mauritian law and the Mauritian courts shall decide all disputes.
Recruiter Terms and Conditions
1. Acceptance
1.1 By using this website, you agree to adhere to these Terms and Conditions. Do not use this website if you do not accept these Terms and Conditions. Recruit Me Limited (the “Company”) reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 We require that you keep any Job Hunter information received by you confidential and only use such information in good faith and for the sole purpose of recruitment or in relation to the appropriate context in which that information was provided. You undertake hereby to no pass such information to any third parties without the prior written consent of the job hunter.
2.2 You are responsible for your own interaction with job hunters and other users and for the content of job adverts you post and for the consequences of their posting.
2.3 Recruit Me Limited is not responsible for the suitability, availability or actions of any user whose career information and/ or CV is provided to you through the website.
2.4 The Company takes no responsibility for the accuracy and content of the information provided by the job hunter.
2.5 You are responsible for ensuring that the content of your advertisements are:
a) Both accurate and true;
b) In compliance with all relevant legislation and codes of practice;
c) Not a contravention of the rights of any third party, including not without limitation, the intellectual property rights of any third party
d) Not in any way illegal, including but without limitation to, discriminatory, obscene or offensive content.
e) Without inclusion of any Web Link or email address whatsoever. You must not put URL links or email links in your job advert description. Failure to comply with this could result in the deletion of the job advert.
3. Intellectual Property
3.1 You hereby undertake to indemnify the Company against any and all liability for any and all copyright infringement or any breach of any other intellectual property right caused by you or your failure to abide by these terms and conditions.
4. Termination
4.1 Recruit Me Limited may terminate the provision of service, without any notice, if:
a) The recruiter is in material breach of these terms and conditions in any way whatsoever. No rebate payment will be offered or made if this is the case.
b) The advertiser becomes insolvent, ceases to trade or goes into liquidation
5. Liabilities
5.1 You accept responsibility and liability without limitation for your own personal information, communications and their consequences, any losses which may result from using the website, or inability to use the website.
5.2 The Company accepts no liability for:
a) Any damage to your software or hardware incurred as a result of using the website, including but not limited to any viruses or cookies.
b) Any death or personal injury caused by negligence.
c) The availability or inaccuracy of any job posting on the website, or the conduct of any party who places a job posting on the website.
d) Any failures in your accessing the Jobs.mu website or any loss or damage which may result from the errors in the operating condition of the Jobs.mu website.
e) Any loss of information entered into the Jobs.mu website, as it is your responsibility to keep records of all such information.
5.3 The Company is not responsible for your use of the website and any employment decisions you or any third party make, for whatever reason made and any consequences resulting shall not be the responsibility of the Company.
5.4 The content of the Jobs.mu website may contain inaccuracies. The Company makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the website or the content. Use of the Jobs.mu website and the content matter are at your own risk. The Company reserves the right to make changes to the website at any time.
5.5 The Company reserves the right to amend or delete any information input on the website at our absolute discretion.
5.6 The Jobs.mu website contains links to other websites and third party suppliers. The Company takes no responsibility for the content of these websites, the reputability of the organisation concerned or liability for any transactions with such third parties.
5.7 Information on this website is supplied in good faith; we are under no obligation to and in general do not directly input the information posted on the website by users of the website. The Company takes no responsibility for the accuracy or nature of information posted on the website. Advertising recruiters have control and sole responsibility for their job advert content on the website.
5.8 The Jobs.mu website is a Job advertising website for recruiters to post job adverts and Job hunters to post career information and their CV. The Company has no involvement between recruiters and job hunters. The company has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the jobs or CV’s posted the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of recruiters to offer job opportunities to job hunters or the ability of Users to fill the jobs advertised.
6. Service level procedure
6.1 If you are in any way dissatisfied with the service provided, you must inform the company in writing immediately, outlining the complaint, allowing the company a reasonable time to rectify the grievance. If there is a continuation of service to you; the client, without any grievance raised, then by action it will be considered a confirmation that you are satisfied with the service provided.
7. Data Protection
7.1 Recruit Me Limited shall Endeavour to ensure that it operates within the terms of the Act at all times.
8. Indemnity
8.1 You agree to indemnify the Company from and against claims, actions or demands resulting from your use of the website or the contents of the website or your breach of the terms of these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to any content that is deemed to be defamatory, obscene in any way discriminatory, in breach of copyright or any other third party intellectual property right.
9. Representation
9.1 The Company makes no representation to be and should not be considered to be a collaborator with the user. No element of these terms should be deemed to be evidence of a partnership between said parties or to constitute either of us the agent of the other.
9.2 Failure to adhere or comply with any single element of these terms and conditions or of any rights hereunder by either party shall not release the other from the requirement to fully perform the remaining terms.
10. Governance
10.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with Mauritian law and the Mauritian courts shall decide all disputes.